
Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday Poll Vol. 5

1. Do you twerk?
-I do not.
2. What’s the first song lyric that comes to mind?
-"Say you'll love me every waking moment
Turn my head with talk of summer time" -All I Ask of You (Phantom of the Opera)...Its my current ringtone and I just got a call.

3. Do you ever straighten your hair?

-I used to every day for about 2 years. The I realized it damaged my hair extremely bad, so now I only do it maybe, twice a year.
4. Your biggest current skincare concern?
-Acne, redness and hyper pigmentation
5. Finish the sentence: I feel beautiful when…
-I have the chance to dress up and my boyfriend wants a more than average amount of pictures of me.
6. Current favorite face wash?
-I will forever use Purpose face wash.
 7. Have you ever been tubing/white water rafting?
-I have not, but sounds fun. 
8. What are you wearing today (hair/makeup/clothes)?
-Pac Sun Jeans, JC Penny sheer blush top. No products in my hair. Garnier Oily Skin BB cream and They're Real Benefit mascara
9. What’s your skin type (dry/oily/combo)?
-EVERYTHING! I have really bad dry patches on my skin, but has massive amount of oil everywhere else. 
10. Summarize your best makeup advice in a single sentence:
-Less is so much more

Copy and Paste the Questions and leave your own poll below in the comments! Happy Monday!

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